thn msg my dear inform him i didnt go skul..*sigh*makes him dissapointed again..
yst i went to find my dear.. i went mid valley alone to wait him finish his class...
after he finish his class we meet up at kim gary thn we hav our lunch.. he is sick.. feel so pity my dear.. in the kim gary tht time i have no appetite to eat.. jz askin him wat to eat thn he keep on rushin me.. is like i noe he is sick lar but why shud scold me ler???*sigh* nvm lar.. as long as i love him.. mayb i got wrong too.. thn after finish our lunch.. we went to watson buy some medicine for him.. after buy medicine we went to take car thn back to his condo... thn we watch cj7 again.. haha.. tht movie very nice to c.... we watch jor twice time.. thn till nite my dear fetch me home.. thn he chill at my place to teach me use comp n copy some cartoon into my comp..
after tht, my dear fetch me go ta pao something to eat thn he back to his condo.. *sigh* i wonder how if my dear could stay longer so tht i could take care of him.. i feel so sorry cz my dear sick thn i stil need him to fetch me back.. *suddenly damn mtf miss u dear*
oh ya... wuhu very stink d.. hav to help her bath d.. ciao~